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The Most Common Wellness Fair Giveaways

wellness fairs giveawaysAfter you book your event, we have a bunch of giveaways for you to choose from to give to the first 30 employees that attend the health fair. We like to keep these items health related and useful. Each giveaway comes with a handout that is related to the item and is useful and informational. For a small fee, you can order more giveaways if you feel you need more than the free 30 provided. Below is a complete list of the giveaways we offer and what the handout entails.

Pedometers – The pedometers are small battery operated (included) devices that clip onto your pants and counts how many steps you take in a day. It is suggested that everyone takes 10,000 steps per day, it seems like a lot but it’s not! The hand out included is all about 10,000 steps and how keep track of your steps and some useful information about walking.

Stretch Bands – The stretch band is great for using at your desk, I like using my stretch band to actually stretch my back out. You can take a few minutes a day and get a good arm workout in. The handout shows different exercises you can do at your desk and it even shows pictures of examples.

Water Bottles – BPA Approved re usable water bottles that come with a handout on how to get yourself to drink more water throughout the day and how keeping hydrated benefits you.

Reusable Lunch Totes – a nice reusable lunch tote to bring your lunch to work daily. Not only does it save money but you tend to eat healthier when you pack your own lunch. The handout gives you some healthy yummy lunch ideas.

Jump Ropes – These adult versions of jump ropes are great for heart healthy exercises and keep your heart rate up. The handout includes different jump rope exercises and the benefits of jumping rope.

Eye Gel Pads – These cooling eye gel pads are used to relax when you need it the most. Freeze them and place on your eyes. The handout promotes good sleep and ways to sleep better at night.

We are always open to any suggestions you may have, or if you have a certain item in mind we can order it for you and your health fair. We can also order your company branding on the item for an additional cost. Please let us know your vision and we will do our best to create it for you!

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